Rainbow Meaning – What does a Rainbow Mean?
Today, some use the colors of the rainbow to symbolize gay pride. But did you know that long before this came about, the true meaning of the rainbow was established …
Bible Answers straight from the Bible
Today, some use the colors of the rainbow to symbolize gay pride. But did you know that long before this came about, the true meaning of the rainbow was established …
There are passages in the Word of God that would suggest that slavery is not strictly condemned. Some read these passages and sincerely do not understand. Many, however, are skeptics …
It is a fact that something cannot come from nothing. Newton’s Third Law, “For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction” is an observable fact. If something could …
The theory of evolution, as described by Charles Darwin in his book, “The Origin of Species,” is embraced by a large number of unbelievers, and sadly even some self-proclaimed Christians. There …
Some unbelievers will ask the impossible question, “Can God make a rock He cannot lift?” It is meant to be a trick question. If God cannot make a rock so heavy …
The existence of dinosaurs and the Bible – do they contradict one another? Many secularists would say they do. But what do the facts point to? Let’s take a look at …
There are two answers to the question, “Why was Jesus crucified?” One addresses the question on a secular (non-religious) level (why did the Pharisees have Jesus killed)? The other addresses …